We'd greatly appreciate your help in spreading the word about our products!

We value 'word of mouth' so much that we've put together a generous affiliate (referral) program. Which means, every time you refer a customer our way, we'll pay you a percentage of the sale as a thank you.

You can sign up for our affiliate program by Clicking Here.

Our marketing strategy is a bit 'unique' in that we prefer to put money in our customers' pockets. It's a win-win, and I much prefer it to writing fat checks to Google and Facebook every month for their expensive advertising!

When you sign up for our referral program, you can literally start earning extra income in just a few minutes. We'll help you spread the word via social media. You friends and colleagues will thank you - and so will I.

Program currently applies to Accessories in the County Store & Gift Certificates!

The only way to participate in commissions on Demo Saddles is thru a Gift Certificate.

Again, to sign up, Click Here.

Thanks in advance,

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2nd Apr 2019

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